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Metrology - calls from the European Metrology Research Programme

The European Commission has published a call for proposals for topic areas and subsequently for related projects and associated researcher grants under the work programme of the European Metrology Research Programme (ERMP). The aim of this call is to advance measurement science and technology in the areas for Energy and Environment.
The call is structured in a number of stages.
• Stage 1: Call for potential metrology research topics (PRTs): deadline March 17, 2013; 
• Stage 2: Call for proposals for Joint Research Projects (JRPs), with optional integrated Researcher Excellence Grant application: deadline October 1, 2013; 
• Stage 3: Researcher Excellence Grants (REGs) and Researcher Mobility Grants (RMGs): to be announced;
• Open call for Early-Stage Researcher Mobility Grants (ESRMG): deadline May 17, 2013.

The EMRP is a metrology-focused European programme of coordinated R&D that facilitates closer integration of national research programmes. The EMRP is jointly supported by the European Commission and the participating countries within the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET e.V.). The EMRP will ensure collaboration between National Measurement Institutes, reducing duplication and increasing impact. The overall goal of the EMRP is to accelerate innovation and competitiveness in Europe whilst continuing to provide essential support to underpin the quality of our lives. The EMRP is a long-term programme for high quality joint R&D amongst the metrology community in Europe. 

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