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FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2015 open

FLAG-ERA (an ERA-NET supporting the FET Flagship initiatives) invites European researchers to submit transnational projects that are complementary to either Graphene or the Human Brain Project. Deadline of submission is January 27, 2015. The indicative budget of the Joint Transnational Call 2015 is € 18,510,000. FOM and NWO participate in this Joint Transnational Call for Graphene and Human Brain Project respectively both with a budget of € 750,000. Two Future and Emerging Technology (FET)-Flagships were selected by the European Commission (EC) in January 2013: Graphene and Human Brain Project (HBP). Both projects have a runtime of ten years and a foreseen budget of € 1 billion. Also in 2013, an ERA-NET (FLAG-ERA) was set up to support the Flagships and to coordinate the national efforts with respect to the Flagships. Almost all European countries participate in this programme that will run for three years.

FLAG-ERA contributes in two ways to the construction of the Flagships: 

By facilitating the integration of nationally funded projects into the Flagship Core Projects;
By implementing a transnational call to fund projects that can be integrated into the Core Projects directly.

Funding per country is up to 60% of the total requested funding of the proposal, except if only partners from two countries apply for funding. In that case funding will be up to 75%.

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