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Pre-announcement WOTRO - launch call research initiative ERAfrica in January

NWO WOTRO announces that in January 2013 the European-African research initiative ERAfrica will launch its first call for proposals. NWO WOTRO is one of the fifteen public institutions and ministries that contribute to this joint call. ERAfrica is a European Union project aimed at promoting a unified European approach to collaborating with Africa in the field of science and technology research for innovation and sustainable development.

Research funding will be offered in areas such as agriculture, health, climate change and energy. The calls include three focus areas for research and innovation partnerships between Africa and Europe: Interfacing societal challenges, Renewable energy and New ideas. NWO WOTRO participates on Interfacing societal challenges. This means that Dutch researchers will be able to participate in a consortium responding to this call and can apply for funding by WOTRO. The available budget is at least € 11 million. The call probably closes mid-April 2013.

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