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Update calls ERC under Horizon 2020

The European Research Council (ERC) has published an update on the calls for proposals for 2013 - 2014. The next ERC calls will be made under the programme Horizon 2020, which however has not been adopted yet. As is normally the case during the transition from one framework programme to another, the schedule for the next ERC calls and its Work Programme is very likely to differ from previous years.

The ERC Scientific Council has discussed the issue and, based on the current state of play, it can provide the following possible scenario on a purely indicative basis:
• Publication of the provisional schedule for the new calls (ERC Work Programme 2014), late in 2013;
• Opening and submission deadlines of new ERC calls throughout 2014:
- Opening and submission deadline for Starting grants: first and second quarter of 2014,
- Opening and submission deadline for Consolidator grants: second quarter of 2014,
- Opening and submission deadline for Advanced grants: fourth quarter of 2014;
• No further calls for Synergy grants in 2013 and 2014;
• Normal schedule for Proof of Concept grants (one call with two deadlines in 2014). Although no final decision has yet been taken by the EU, the ERC Scientific Council provides, without any commitment, this provisional information for the convenience of the scientific community.

The ERC calls are now still part of the 'Ideas' programme of the FP7. This programme, implemented through the European Research Council (ERC), will boost Europe's competitiveness by helping to attract and retain the most talented scientists, supporting risk-taking and high-impact research, and promoting world-class scientific research in new, fast emerging fields.

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