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EU Consumer Programme 2014-2020: specific call Joint Action to consolidate and enhance product safety through effective market surveillance

CHAFEA, the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency has opened a specific call under the Consumer Programme 2014-2020. The closing date for applications is October 7, 2014. The call for proposals Joint action - General product safety directive CONS-GPSD-2014 has a budget of € 2,000,000. For further information about this call and documents please click here.

The call for proposals relates to the financing mechanisms for specific joint actions between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws, in the framework of objective I Action 2 of the Consumer Programme 2014-2020: "Coordination of market surveillance and enforcement actions on product safety with regard to Directive 2001/95/EC, and actions to improve consumer services safety".

The Consumer Programme 2014-2020 will support EU consumer policy in the years to come. It aims to help the citizens fully enjoy their consumer rights and actively participate in the Single Market, thus supporting growth, innovation and meeting the objectives of Europe 2020.

Build on the previous programme (2007-2013), Consumer Programme 2014-2020 will focus on four key areas:
• a single market of safe products for the benefit of citizens and as a component of competitive businesses and traders;
• a single market where citizens are well represented by professional consumer organisations whose capacity is built to meet the challenges of today's economic environment;
• a market where citizens are aware and exercise their rights as consumers so that they contribute to the growth of competitive markets, citizens must enjoy access to redress mechanisms in case of problems without needing to resort to court procedures which are lengthy and costly for them and the governments;
• a concrete and effective collaboration between national bodies to support the enforcement of consumer rights, support the consumers with advice.

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