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Mesothelioma - Meso Foundation Research Grants 2014 ($ 100,000)

The Meso Foundation is calling for applications for its mesothelioma research funding. Deadline for submitting applications is August 8, 2014. Eligible projects may relate to benchwork, translational or clinical research that is not presently funded and may be conducted through any not-for-profit academic, medical or research institution. Grants are offered for two years up to $ 50,000 per year.
Encouraged projects include, but are not limited to:

Strategies for early detection of new or progressive disease;
Definition of targetable differences between normal and transformed mesothelium and development of novel strategies for treatment taking advantage of these targets;
Determination of clinical/molecular determinants for prognosis;
Therapeutic intervention, including but not limited to:

immune Response Targeted Therapy,
novel chemotherapeutic compounds,
novel radiation or surgical techniques.

The Meso Foundation (Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation) is a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure and eradicating mesothelioma as a life-ending disease.

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