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Employment and Social Innovation - Call European framework for mobility of apprentices open for proposals

The European Commission has published a new call for proposals under the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme. The total budget available for the call 'A European framework for mobility of apprentices: Developing European citizenship and skills through youth integration in the labour market' is estimated at € 2,841,856. Deadline for submitting applications is March 29, 2017.

This action covers a Pilot Project requested by the European Parliament to the Commission for implementation. The indicative amount for each grant will be between € 300,000 and € 500,000.


The ultimate goal of this call for proposals is to enable young apprentices to develop their skills and enhance their employability prospects, whilst also strengthening their sense of European citizenship. This will be done by testing different approaches for putting in place the necessary support infrastructure as well as the relevant institutional and contractual frameworks to assist with the placement of apprentices from the moment of departure abroad through to the return date. In particular, actions should:

  • assess to what extent demand exists among relevant stakeholders for developing long-term (minimum 6 to maximum 12 months) transnational apprentice mobility schemes, and the uptake of such schemes;
  • identify obstacles (legal, practical, institutional, academic, etc.) that prevent apprentices from carrying out longer-term stays abroad;
  • identify and disseminate good practices and success factors for long-term work placements for apprentices.

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