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NWO funds five projects in JSTP Smart Energy in Smart Cities

The division of Social Sciences (MaGW) of NWO has funded € 1.4 million to five projects in the round Smart Energy in Smart Cities within the programme China Netherlands Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP). In the awarded projects researchers from China and the Netherlands work together in the field of sustainable urban development or smart solutions for more efficient energy use and energy savings in cities.

The awarded projects are the following:
• BIGS - BeijIng Groningen Smart energy cities - 
Prof. dr. ir. M. Aiello, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,
Prof. dr. E.M. Steg, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and
Prof. dr. S.D. Shi, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Institute of Industry Economics;

• Seasonal storage for solar and industrial waste heat utilisation for urban district heating - 
Prof. dr. ir. J.L.M. Hensen, TU Eindhoven and
Prof. X. Yang, Tsinghua University;

• Energy efficiency of households in cities. A multimethod analysis -
Prof. dr. R.P.M. Kemp, Universiteit Maastricht and
Prof. Y. Fan Chinese Academy of Sciences - Institute of Policy and Management;

• Smart Industrial Parks (SIPs) in China: Towards joint design and implementation -
Prof. dr. A. Tukker, Universiteit Leiden and
Prof. dr. H. Ren, Chongqing University;

• Smart Retrofitting of Urban Housing -  Dr. ir. B.J.M. van Vliet, Wageningen Universiteit & Researchcentrum,
Prof. dr. ir. G. Spaargaren, Wageningen Universiteit & Researchcentrum and
Dr. Y Chen Chinese, Academy of Social Sciences - Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies.

JSTP aims at fostering research collaborations of Sino-Dutch research teams that share high ambitions to work together in sustainable joint research projects by providing multi-annual research funding, and by calling for proposals demonstrating complementary expertise between Dutch and Chinese research teams in areas, in which both The Netherlands and China excel. Thematic Calls for Proposals are published annually, featuring different thematic priorities each year.

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