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Second round Food & Business Applied Research Fund open for application

NWO invites applications for the second round of the Applied Research Fund (ARF). Deadline for submitting proposals is January 15, 2014. Consortia consisting of a practitioner organisation from one of the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation and a research organisation from a partner country or from the Netherlands may apply. Grants amount between € 50,000 (for six months) and € 300,000 (for 36 months). For-profit enterprises are encouraged to participate in the consortium, but cannot reimburse costs from the grant. The Call has been slightly adjusted on three points: reimbursable personnel costs have been increased, embassies no longer need to be contacted by the applicants before submission, and a draft consortium agreement is required.

The Applied Research Fund is part of the new Food & Business Research Programme (FBRP). This programme provides grants to consortia of researchers and practitioners (private and/or public) for research that contributes to food security in LMIC. Cooperation within the programme between public and private parties is expected to facilitate the utilisation of results research, thus contributing to new products, policies and practices. The last round in 2014 will close April 15.

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