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EUREKA Call announced for joint Israëli-Dutch R&D Projects in Medical Technology and Life Sciences

Israel and The Netherlands are jointly announcing a bilateral Israel – The Netherlands Call for Project Outlines for Joint R&D Projects. These projects must focus on developing innovative products and applications in the fields Medical Technology and Life Sciences. Outlines should be submitted before the 1st of August, 2014. Expected project results are new products, processes and services for the commercial market.

The main objective of this Call is to stimulate generation of EUREKA and Eurostars projects, as well as Horizon 2020 projects. Successful Outlines can later apply for funding as a EUREKA Individual project or a Eurostars project, or to a program within Horizon 2020. Projects with successful applications to EUREKA and Eurostars can apply for funding through the national EUREKA offices in Israel and The Netherlands: respectively, the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) of the Ministry of Economy in Israel and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency in The Netherlands (

Proposals should comply with the following guidelines:

The project partners should include at least one Israeli and one Dutch commercial company. The participation of research institutes and/or academic institutions will be considered based on the rules of the relevant program;
Partners from other countries may also participate. Funding for these partners will depend on the funding rules of the relevant program in their country;
The project should clearly demonstrate the contribution of all participants;
The project should have an obvious advantage and added-value resulting from the cooperation between the participants;
The project should be a market oriented R&D project.

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