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EU Health Prize for Journalists - healthcare (€ 6,500)

The European Commission presents the fifth edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists. It is awarded to stimulate high-quality journalism that raises awareness of issues related to healthcare and citizen's rights. Journalists are invited to submit their articles published in print or online media in any EU Member State (including Croatia) between 1 August 2012 and 30 September 2013.

Articles shall pertain to one or several issues covered by the theme "Europe for Patients":
• cross-border healthcare;
• rare diseases;
• health workforce;
• patient safety and hospital acquired infections;
• organ donation and transplantation;
• chronic diseases: cancer, cardiovascular diseases and/or diabetes;
• vaccination (flu vaccination and/or childhood vaccination);
• prudent use of antibiotics;
• ageing and dementias;
• pharmaceuticals;
• active and healthy ageing;
• health determinants: tobacco, alcohol and/or nutrition & physical activity.

There is one nominee per Member State. All national nominees are invited to Brussels for the award ceremony where the winner and two runners-up will receive prizes with a value of:
• 1st prize: € 6,500;
• 2nd prize: € 4,000;
• 3rd prize: € 2,500.

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