'Science from the next generation imaging and spectroscopic surveys', Garching bei München, Germany
Event date:
2012-10-15 An event entitled 'Science from the next generation imaging and spectroscopic surveys' will take place from 15 to 18 October 2012 in Garching bei München, Germany.
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an intergovernmental research organisation for astronomy. Created in 1962, it has provided astronomers with state-of-the-art research facilities and access to the southern sky.
The Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) is part of ESO's Paranal Observatory. it works at near-infrared wavelengths and is the world's largest survey telescope. The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is the latest telescope to be installed at ESO's Paranal Observatory. The VST is the largest telescope in the world designed for surveying the sky in visible light. The building of both VSAT and VST marks ESO's commencement of research in spectroscopic public surveys.
The workshop will discuss the on-going and upcoming large public surveys with a special focus on the first results from the ESO public surveys projects.
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