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New call EaSI PROGRESS programme published

The European Commission has published a new call for proposals under the PROGRESS programme, part of Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). The call 'PROGRESS programme: Supporting the development of tailored learning provision in the implementation of "Upskilling Pathways” has a budget of € 4 million.

The overall objective of this call, in line with the two calls published in 2017 (VP/2017/011) and 2018 (VP/2018/008) is to support participating countries in implementing the Upskilling Pathways Recommendation by putting in place coherent pathways comprising the three key steps: skills assessments; provision of a tailored, flexible and quality learning offer; and validation and recognition of skills acquired. The specific objective of this call is to support the deployment of a tailored, flexible and quality learning offer for low-skilled / low-qualified adults (and where relevant for priority groups identified by countries in the framework of the Recommendation).


This call complements the support for provision for low-skilled adults that is provided through the European Social Fund and the Erasmus+ programme, by assisting each focus participating country to develop a coherent strategy for raising the levels of skills and qualifications of adults who lack an upper secondary education (or equivalent) or who lack proficiency in basic skills. The call should also complement related activities (ongoing or future) taking place at national, regional or local levels. The EU grant requested should indicatively be between € 200,000 and € 1,000,000. 

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