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NWO call Light, Cognition, Behaviour and Health (€ 450,000)

NWO invites applications for th call Light, Cognition, Behaviour and Health (LCBH). Deadline for submitting preproposals is May 14, 2014. The LCBH call focusses on health-related research and development, leading to the application of light to alter brain function, cognition, behaviour and mood. With regard to this topic, NWO and ZonMw want to join forces with parties in the public and private sectors to organise scientific research. The content is to be directly related to the demand for knowledge that exists within the business community and society. Given the PPP-like nature of this call, financial contributions (i.e. matching contributions) are also requested from parties in the public and private sectors. Experienced, postdoc researchers can act as principle applicant on behalf of a public-private consortium and apply for funding of multidisciplinary research on the effects of light on cognition, behaviour and health.

Principal applicants must hold a doctorate and have an employment contract for at least the duration of the application process and the research project for which the grant is being requested. The total budget available for this call is € 900,000. Funding is between € 100,000 and € 450,000. The total duration of a project is at least two years and no more than five years.

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