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Epilepsy - AES Seed Grant Programme (€ 20,000)

The American Epilepsy Society (AES) invites proposals for its Seed Grant Programme. Upcoming deadline for submitting proposals is June 26, 2015. The programme is intended to foster collaborative interactions between two or more established investigators to make future grants related to epilepsy more competitive for larger awards, and to fuel multi-investigator projects. Up to five one-year grants in the amount of $ 20,000 each will be awarded annually. These small awards are designed to enable information exchange/technology transfer, travel of postdoctoral fellows between laboratories, and modest supplies for the project. The awards are designed to provide seed monies to investigators. Funds are total costs.

The last deadline for submitting applications in 2015 will be September 25.

The AES seeks to promote interdisciplinary communications, scientific investigation and exchange of clinical information about epilepsy. Membership consists of clinicians, scientists investigating basic and clinical aspects of epilepsy, and other professionals interested in seizure disorders. Members represent both pediatric and adult aspects of epilepsy.

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