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NWO announces Green III

NWO expects to publish the call for proposals 'Green III - A circular agricultural system in the Netherlands: from dream to reality' at the end of March. Consortia of researchers and private parties are invited to submit proposals for research that focuses on practice-oriented future scenarios for a circular agricultural system, in which due consideration is given to the economic, social and ecological consequences. Funding will be up to € 1.1 million.

Research in this programme should yield new knowledge that contributes to an integral change of the current agricultural system. Green III focuses not just on elaborating possible scenarios with the help of thorough system analyses, but also on the practical applicability of an agricultural system that is radically different from the current system.


The main applicant submits the application on behalf of the project consortium, which consists of at least one knowledge institution and one private party. There will be a matching requirement.

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