Brains - IBRO Return Home Programme 2013 (€ 20,000)
The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) asks for applications for its Return Home Programme. The application deadline is September 1, 2013. The objective of the programme is to coordinate efforts with other organizations to both improve the opportunities for productive neuroscience research (allied to health services) within the less advantaged regions of the world and to provide more aid to those researchers trained overseas who wish return to their home countries. Funding is up to € 20,000.
The IBRO Fellowships Programme aims to foster neuroscience research, especially in less well-funded countries, by providing support to high quality neuroscientists from diverse geographic and scientific areas who wish to broaden the scope of their training in neuroscience by working abroad in good laboratories.
InnoFunding B.V.
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2011 NB Haarlem