Data Science: Challenging Big Data open (€ 1,000,000)
NWO invites applications for its programme Data Science: challenging Big Data. Pre-proposals can be submitted for the ICT Industrial Partnership Programme (ICT IPP) and the Technology Areas (TAs) on April 11, 2013. Funding ranges from € 500,000 to € 1,000,000.
Data Science: Challenging Big Data aims to encourage collaboration between research institutions and private partners in order to innovate in and with the creation, management, searchability and use of large datasets. The substance of the research projects should be consistent with the ICT Roadmap. All projects should focus on a question put forward by one or more companies. The call aims specifically to bring smaller innovative companies into contact with research institutions.
The following Data Science public-private collaborations are possible:
• ICT Industrial Partnership Programme (ICT IPP): National or international collaboration between a single company and at least two research institutions;
• Technology Areas (TAs): Collaboration between at least two companies and at least two research institutions;
• Knowledge – Innovation Mapping for SMEs (known as ‘KIEM’): Focuses on introducing an SME to one or more research institutions.
InnoFunding B.V.
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