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JPI Urban Europe fourth call announced: ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures (ENSUF)

NWO Social Sciences (MaGW) will participate in the fourth JPI Urban Europe call 'ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures (ENSUF)'. The call, supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, opens in the middle of December 2015. The pre-proposal deadline will be mid-March 2016. The total budget of up to € 24.5 million will be provided by national and regional funding agencies from 18 European countries, including support from Horizon 2020.  
There are three call topics defined:

Concepts and strategies for smart urban transformation, growth and shrinkage;
New dynamics of public services;
Inclusive, vibrant and accessible urban communities.

Other participants besides the Netherlands are Austria (FFG), Belgium (DGO6, Innoviris, FNRS), Cyprus (RPF), Denmark (IFD), Finland (TEKES, AKA), France (ANR), Italy (MIUR), Latvia (VIAA), Lithuania (LMT), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCN), Portugal (FCT), Romania (UEFISCDI), Slovenia (ARRS), Sweden (Formas, Swedish Energy Agency, VINNOVA), Turkey (TÜBITAK) and United Kingdom (AHRC, EPSRC, ESCR, Innovate UK).
The JPI UE was set up in 2010 to strengthen European research and innovation in the field of urban development. It is since being further supported by means of two ‘Seventh Framework Coordination & Support Actions’, BOOST and SEiSMiC. JPI UE addresses the entire urban field. It aims to make better use of European public Research, Development & Innovation resources and to tackle common European urban challenges more effectively.

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