ATTRACT Project will fund 170 concepts in the domain of detection and imaging technologies
To bridge the gap between basic research and real market needs, ATTRACT is calling for researchers, entrepreneurs and companies to bring forward breakthrough projects on pioneering imaging and sensor technologies. Participation in the ATTRACT Open Call is open to all legal entities having their seat in EU or H2020-Associated Countries. Project proposals shall be submitted as a joint proposal by a group of at least two independent legal entities.
Proposals for projects are requested in the following domains: sensors, front and back end electronics, data acquisition systems and computing, software and integration. The funding for each project is € 100.000 (lump sum), granted at the start of the project. The ATTRACT Project will fund 170 breakthrough technology concepts. The breakthrough technology projects funded will have 12 months to implement and develop their research idea before presenting their work at a Final Assessment Conference to take place in Brussels in Autumn 2020. For more information and call documents please click here.
ATTRACT has been initiated by nine public European organisations (the ATTRACT Consortium):
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), ATTRACT Coördinator;
- Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio (AALTO);
- ESADE Ramon Llull University (ESADE);
- ESRF – The European Synchrotron (ESRF);
- European X-Ray Free-electron Laser GmbH (XFEL);
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL);
- European Southern Observatory (ESO);
- Institut Max von Laue Langevin – Paul Langevin (ILL);
- European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA).
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