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Georgia joins Horizon 2020

Researchers and innovators from Georgia will be able to participate in Horizon 2020 under the same conditions as their counterparts from EU Member States and other 14 associated countries. The agreement allows for Georgia's enhanced cooperation with the EU in research and innovation, which are vital for successful and modern economies. It shows the commitment of the EU to develop the scientific and innovation capacity of its associated partners. It also represents another step towards reaching the EU goal of opening research and innovation to the world. Georgian research institutes, universities and individual researchers will have access to all opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 that funds diverse scientific areas. Georgian SMEs and businesses will also be able to benefit from increased support to develop new ideas and bring products and services to the market.
Horizon 2020 is a European Commission (EC) programme for financing European research and innovation. Through Horizon 2020, the EC aims at increasing Europe's competitive position by strengthening scientific knowledge and by stimulating innovation. In addition, the EC wants to challenge business and academia to collaborate in creating solutions for pan-European societal challenges, such as climate change, ageing population, food safety & security and affordable renewable energy. 

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