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Sixth ERA-IB joint call open 'Industrial biotechnology for Europe: an integrated approach'

ERA-IB-2 has launched, in cooperation with EuroTransBio (ETB), the sixth international joint call for multilateral research projects using Industrial Biotechnology (IB). NWO participates in this call with a budget of € 800,000 for Dutch sub projects. The deadline for the submission of the pre-proposals is February 23, 2015. Funding for a Dutch project is up to € 250,000.

The main purpose of this sixth call is to generate joint European research and development activities and to stimulate and unify researchers and academics who specialise in IB to work closely together and share funding and research projects. Through the collaboration between these two partners more funding will be available and the geographical coverage is expanded.

Funding is available for innovative Industrial Biotechnology projects on the following topics:
• Conversion of industrial by-products and biomass into value-added products;
• Novel systems for new or more sustainable processes e.g. the use of enzymes, micro-organism and cell-free biosynthesis systems;
• New compounds from existing, but not well studied biological systems, through a greater understanding of their metabolic pathways;
• Modelling and optimisation of biological processes;
• Process development, intensification and/or integration in existing industrial processes e.g. upstream or downstream design, scale-up of biotechnological processes.

The deadline for submitting full proposals is June 15, 2015.

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