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NWO Veni 2018 open

NWO invites applications for the Veni-call within the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (Vernieuwingsimpuls). The upcoming deadline for submitting proposals is January 9, 2018. The Veni grant offers researchers who have recently gained their PhDs the opportunity to further develop their ideas for a period of three years. The maximum amount of grant will be € 250,000.

Veni applicants must have obtained their doctorate within the last three years. The 2018 Veni round is open to researchers who meet this criterion on January 1, 2018.


Since January 1 this year, NWO has a new organization structure. Proposals for the Talent Scheme therefor will no longer be submitted to the former NWO divisions but to the new NWO-domains. For Veni 2017 this was already the case for the Social Sciences and Humanities Domein (SSH), the Applied and Engineering Sciences domain (TTW), and for ZonMw. In 2018 this is also the case for the Science Domain. A so-called “cross-domain committee” (CD) will replace the former interdivisonal (ID) committee.


The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Veni, Vidi, Vici has been set up in 2000 by NWO, KNAW and the universities jointly. The aim is to promote innovation in the academic research field. The scheme is directed at providing encouragement for individual researchers and gives talented, creative researchers the opportunity to conduct their own research programme independently and promote talented researchers to enter and remain committed to the scientific profession. 

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