The River Cleanup & Containersailship
The company eL-Tec develops innovative electrical engineering for various maritime and industrial projects. Since 2006 eL-Tec has been one of the most interesting costumers Innofunding has had, partly because it is an absolute pioneer when it comes to electric inland shipping. The list of maritime and sustainable energy innovations of eL-Tec for their customers is long. Their most recent achievements are the Interceptor and the Ventifoil.
Cleaning rivers: The Ocean Cleanup
eL-Tec is an engineering partner for the recently launched Interceptor from The Ocean Cleanup. The Interceptor takes out plastic and other garbage from rivers completely autonomous and autarkic. One installation can clear 50.000 kg worth of garbage out of a river and so prevents the equivalent of 1 million PET bottles to flow into the sea. eL-Tec has developed the complex electric system: smart sensors automatically manage the processing of the garbage in different boxes and communicate on their own with the local operator when it has to unload. The system is completely self-sufficient in green energy production for its energy demand.
Also see:
Article eL-Tec
Sailing with a container ship: the Ventifoil
The company eConowind from Groningen has together with eL-Tec developed the Ventifoil: a wing profile that, based on boundary layer suction, generates propulsion force 5 times more efficiently in comparison to a regular sail. With a Ventifoil on deck the fuel consumption, and subsequently the CO2 emissions, from container ships will be reduced with an average of 10-20%. This smart innovation has won the Maritime Innovation Award in 2019.

Also see:
Article eL-Tec
Article Maitime Awards